Seek AI Help

If you get stuck at any step of the process, you can also seek help from AI engines like ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini Pro, or other LLMs.

To get precise answers from AI models, you need to provide them with some additional context, along with your exact question. A few things you might want to mention to the model:

  • 11ty static site generator
  • deployed at Netlify
  • code pushed to a GitHub repo

In context, if you're having issues with build errors related to missing modules, the question you ask AI may look like this:

"I have created a website using 11ty static site generator that converts markdown ebook chapters as web pages on the site. The site is being deployed at Netlify via a GitHub repository. But I'm getting build errors related to missing modules. How do I fix this? Below is the error:

<Provide the error or maybe attach a screenshot>"

Or if you can't understand any part of the usage guide, just ask any AI model. From downloading the repository to deploying the final book-website, AI models can help you at every stage.