
PutOut is created by two friends: Deepak and Rohit.

We like writing on the internet. We have our personal websites/blogs where we speak our mind but someday we want to publish books on the internet.

Before we could even finish our first book, Jason Fried from Basecamp announced one day that they are going to release a tool that helps you publish books on the internet – for free.

We got excited!

We tried Basecamp's book publishing tool called Writebook as soon as it was released. We were impressed but not satisfied. There were few features we wanted to add, few features we wanted to subtract. So, we decided to take things into our hands and onto our servers. The result of that is PutOut.

If you love writing on the internet, writing for the internet, you will love PutOut.

About Deepak

I love writing blogs, building and growing websites, and tinkering with code.

Rohit thinks I should leave the tech world and start teaching Rizzonomics. I promise I will, once I am done with the new website I started last week.

Find me at deepakness.com or contact here.

About Rohit

I love surfing the internet like there's no tomorrow. Tomorrow comes every day and I start surfing the internet again like there's no tomorrow. It's been going on for a decade.

When I am not writing for the internet, I love drinking tea with friends. Deepak calls me a domain hoarder. But I think of myself as a digital real estate mogul with some underdeveloped properties.

Find me at rohit.online or contact here.